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Magic City and Alisher Navoi Park

Residents of Uzbekistan and many visitors are familiar with the concept of "chilla" — the hottest and driest period of the year, when temperatures can exceed 40…
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Yıldız Park in Istanbul

Friends, let's continue exploring ancient and amazing Istanbul. Today, I'm heading to the Beşiktaş district to stroll through Yıldız Park. This vast recreational…
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"Sun Institute": An Alien Landmark in the Mountains of Uzbekistan

Travelers exploring Tashkent often enrich their tours of eastern madrasas and mosques with a trip to a very unusual complex called the "Sun Institute." This alien-…
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Ortaköy Mosque in Istanbul

A week ago, I posted an article on my channel about a boat trip along the Bosphorus. During such a journey, tourists visiting Istanbul can see dozens of…
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The Museum of Timurid History in Tashkent

Friends, today we will explore the exhibits of the Museum of Timurid History. It is one of the most beautiful exhibition spaces in Tashkent. Visitors to the museum…
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Bosphorus Cruise

Friends, today we're going on a sea cruise along the Bosphorus. This strait, along with the Golden Horn Bay, is a true symbol of beautiful Istanbul. Many tourists…
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Çamlıca Tower

Many travelers visiting Istanbul have surely noticed two huge structures on the city's Asian side—the majestic white mosque with six minarets and a tall tower of…
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Rami Library in Istanbul

My next article is dedicated to the Rami Library, which is considered the largest library complex in Europe. This landmark is located in the European part of…
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Botanical Garden in Tashkent

Friends, just two days ago, my channel featured an article about the botanical garden in Tbilisi. Today, I’d like to continue the theme of green spaces and take…