Sights of Magical Bukhara

Several stories about the main attractions of the amazing Eastern Bukhara
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Architectural Ensemble Bolo Haouz in Bukhara

Ancient Bukhara is often referred to as a city-museum, as tourists coming here can not only get acquainted with the intricacies of Eastern life but also see a huge…
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Shukhov Water Tower in Bukhara

Planning my route through the Uzbek city of Bukhara, I was surprised to discover a very unusual structure in the central part of the ancient city — the tower of…
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Ancient Ark of Bukhara: History

Hi! Today I will continue to acquaint you with the sights of eastern Bukhara. Last time, we walked through the complex of the residence of Bukhara rulers, Sitorai…
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Ancient Ark of Bukhara: a Walk Through the Territory

Continuing our walk through the territory of the Ark Citadel in Bukhara. As a reminder, last time I mentioned the history of this ancient structure; today, I'll…
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Sitorai Mokhi-Khosa

The first landmark I visited during my trip to ancient Bukhara was the Sitorai Mokhi-Khosa Palace. In the past, this complex served as the residence of Bukhara…
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Bukhara: A Walkthrough of the Old City

In October of this year, I visited the marvelous city of Bukhara, a true gem of Eastern architecture. Today, I'll share with you my walk through the city center,…

Landmarks on the map